Fillers Or Facelift: Quiz Yourself To Decide On The Perfect Cosmetic Treatment For You

Health & Medical Blog

These days, there are more options than ever before for treating wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. There are wrinkle creams, filler injections to add volume to skin, and facelift procedures — which are safer and less risky than ever before. So which treatment is right for you? Wrinkle creams only address minor wrinkles and fine lines, so if you're dealing with more moderate or severe sagging or wrinkling, you will need to choose between fillers and a facelift. Ask yourself these questions to determine which is the better choice in your situation.

Question #1: Are You Dealing With Wrinkles or Sagging?

If it's really mostly wrinkles that you are worried about, then you can almost certainly get by with just filler injections, rather than a facelift. There are a few different types of fillers available. Some contain hyaluronic acid, and others contain collagen or a synthetic material. Your doctor can recommend the one that is right for you based on the severity and location of your wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid works well for smaller wrinkles in thinner skin, such as the skin near your eyes. Collagen works well in deeper wrinkles, such as those in your cheeks and chin.

If you are more worried about sagging skin, a facelift may be a better choice. Fillers can add volume beneath the skin, but they don't address more extensive sagging very well. A facelift can alleviate even the most severe sagging.

Question #2: Are You Willing to Undergo Surgery?

There are some circumstances under which you may not be able to undergo surgery — such as if you have poorly managed diabetes or a weak immune system. You may also simply prefer not to have surgery performed for personal or religious reasons. If this is the case, you may wish to stick with filler injections, even though the results for more serious sagging and wrinkles won't be as pronounced as with a facelift.

If the idea of surgery does not bother you, then a facelift may be a good option for more serious sagging skin and deep wrinkles. Keep in mind that today's facelift procedures leave smaller, less obvious incisions than those performed in the past. The results also tend to be more natural and soft than years ago.

Question #3: Are You Willing to Follow Up?

Dermal fillers are safe, minimally invasive, and a great choice for patients with wrinkles and mild sagging. The one downfall of filler injections is that they do not last forever. You will need to return to your dermatologist's office every three months to two years — depending on the type of filler you choose — for another injection. If this does not bother you, then fillers are a good choice.

There are some people, however, who want to have one procedure and then be done with it. If this sounds like you, a facelift may be a good choice since there are no required follow-up procedures. 

Question #4: What Is Your Budget?

Dermal fillers are more affordable than a facelift and therefore a better choice if you're on a budget. You can expect to pay between $680 and $860 for filler injections, depending on the exact formula your doctor recommends. 

The average cost of a facelift is over $7,000. If you have this amount of money to spend, it can be a great procedure — but many people find it to be outside of their price range. Health insurance does not typically cover either procedure since they are both elective, cosmetic procedures.

After answering these questions, do you have a better idea whether you should opt for a facelift or fillers? Talk to your cosmetic surgeon to learn more.


8 May 2019

Take Your Health Into Your Own Hands

My name is Katie Langer. For a long time, I was bed ridden and I felt like I had no control over my life. I simply went along with what was instructed by my doctor and I didn't ask questions. It wasn't that my doctor wasn't willing to work with me, but I preferred to simply not think about the illness I was suffering from. I didn't realize that some of the symptoms I was suffering from were side effects of my medication and were not normal. After communicating more with my doctor, I was able to alleviate my symptoms. Since then, I've taken an interest in patient-doctor relationships and how to improve them.