Steps for Using a Compounding Pharmacy

Health & Medical Blog

Compounding pharmacies can help you get the medication you need without the complications that generic doses can come with. Here are some tips for using a compounding pharmacy to provide your medications.  Talk with Your Doctor  The first step is to decide whether a compounding pharmacy is right for you. These specialized pharmacies can be very helpful for patients with allergies, who may be allergic to certain dyes in medicines or chemicals in the pill coatings.

24 July 2015

Partnering With Others To Help You Lose Weight

Health & Medical Blog

If you wish to lose weight, and you have tried several dieting plans and exercise routines on your own but still have not shed the pounds you would like, consider enlisting help from others to get results. Many times, people struggle with weight loss if they try it on their own without others to route them on. Here are some of the reasons why losing weight with others can work better than trying to lose on your own.

26 June 2015

2 Herbal Remedies That May Help You Control Your Varicose Vein Pain

Health & Medical Blog

If you are embarrassed and in pain from the varicose veins in your legs, there are steps you can take that may help you find relief. Many people turn to surgery for this, but you could try natural remedies first. There are a variety of herbal remedies that may provide you with relief from the pain caused by varicose veins, and this may help prevent the need for surgery. Here are two different herbs you may want to try.

26 June 2015

The How And Why Of Eye Exams For Pre-Verbal Babies


"Which one is better: this one or this one?" Anyone who has had an eye exam has heard that sentence before. But what about eye exams for babies who can't talk yet? How do eye doctors know when a child needs glasses? When should your baby have an eye exam? Read on to learn the answers to these important questions. How do you know if your baby needs a comprehensive eye exam?

8 June 2015

Recovering From A Stroke? How A Home Evaluation Makes Your Return Home Safe

Health & Medical Blog

Before you're discharged from a hospital or rehab facility after a stroke, your doctor may have your home evaluated by an occupational therapist. The therapist makes sure your home is safe and equipped to help you manage daily life with physical limitations. It takes a trained eye to pick out safety hazards that you wouldn't even think of yourself. Here are some things the therapist looks for. Tripping Hazards If you have problems with balance or moving one of your limbs, then you want to eliminate tripping hazards in your home.

27 May 2015

5 Questions To Have Answered Before Getting Juvederm

Health & Medical Blog

Being able to look your best is typically on the mind of most people. One way to do this is to get rid of wrinkles and work to look as young as you possibly can. One method to assist you with achieving this goal is by getting Juvederm. Knowing certain things before you invest in this process may be helpful to you. Question #1: What is Juvaderm? This is a cosmetic treatment that is typically performed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon that works to reduce wrinkles and deep folds in the skin.

21 May 2015

How A Psychiatrist Can Help With Your Substance Abuse Problem

Health & Medical Blog

If you are looking for help with your substance abuse problem, you might want to look into setting an appointment with a psychiatrist. To help you understand just how that might be helpful, you will want to check out the following points. Dual-Diagnosis In many cases, those who suffer from a substance abuse problem have a mental health issue that needs to be addressed at the same time. For example, you might suffer from depression.

8 May 2015

Four Tips To Decrease Recovery Time After Hip Replacement Surgery


Though hip replacement surgery restores functionality to an otherwise bad hip, it can take 3 to 6 months to fully recover from the procedure. There are a few things you can do to shorten that time and get back to your favorite activities sooner, though. Here are four tips for faster recovery after surgery. Get Fit Before the Surgery Studies indicate improving your physical fitness prior to undergoing surgery can greatly shorten recovery times.

24 April 2015

Struggling With Low Vision? Four Options To Reclaim Your Reading


Having low vision or a significant visual impairment doesn't have to mean missing out on print content. In fact, as technology advances, there are an increasing number of opportunities available for people with visual impairments to read. Here are a few ways that you can help improve your reading experience, even if you struggle with a vision problem. Brighten Things Up One of the biggest things you can do to help improve your reading experience is to ensure that you have adequate lighting.

10 April 2015

Natural Glaucoma Treatments

Health & Medical Blog

Glaucoma is a common condition that's caused by an imbalance in the production and outflow of fluid in your eye. As glaucoma progresses, it blurs your vision, and left untreated it eventually leads to the loss of your peripheral vision, which is commonly known as tunnel vision. Fortunately, glaucoma is treatable, and by slowing the condition's progress you can live a completely normal life. Before you consider glaucoma surgery, talk to your opthamologist about trying a few of these natural glaucoma treatments.

30 March 2015