Treating Clubfoot In Your Newborn: What To Expect

Health & Medical Blog

Approximately 1 in 1,000 live births result in a foot condition called clubfoot, where a newborn's feet face either to the side or even upwards. This fairly common defect of the foot is not painful, but if you have a newborn with this condition, you can feel an urgency to do something about their condition to help repair it so your child can lead a more normal, physical life. With the assistance of orthopaedic specialists, you can help treat clubfoot in your newborn.

14 April 2016

Tips To Prepare For Physical Therapy For Your Knee

Health & Medical Blog

If your knee has been injured due to an accident, or if you are attempting to avoid knee replacement surgery, you might have an appointment with a physical therapist. Physical therapy can be helpful in relieving some of your discomfort and regaining use of your knee, depending on your particular situation, but you'll want to be properly prepared to make the most out of your appointment. These are a couple of things that you'll want to keep in mind when seeing a physical therapist for treatment for your knee.

14 April 2016

Devices That Will Help You Cope With Tinnitus

Health & Medical Blog

The ringing in your ears can become so annoying that it disrupts conversations and your ability to concentrate. Your doctor and audiologist can talk with you about various devices that will help you cope with the ringing. Some devices sit on a countertop while others are worn like hearing aids. Here is the technology available to help you better cope with your tinnitus. Noise Suppression Tinnitus can be triggered or made worse by other sounds around you.

16 March 2016

4 Health Benefits Of Soaking In A Warm Bath

Health & Medical Blog

Relaxing in a warm bath at the end of the day can help reduce the symptoms of many health problems, such as stress and the aches, pains and stiff joints associated with arthritis. Unfortunately, taking a bath is often a struggle for people, such as seniors and/or those with mobility disabilities. Traditional bathtubs are often difficult to get in and out of, and the slippery bottom may pose a risk of falling.

15 March 2016

Preparing For Your Toddler's First Pediatric Dentist Visit

Health & Medical Blog

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that you bring in your child for his or her first visit to the dentist when your child's first teeth appear, or no later than your child's first birthday. If your child is just now reaching the age where it's time to visit the dentist for the first time, you may be thinking about the best ways that you can prepare your child, and the ways that you can be prepared yourself.

1 March 2016

Low Impact Cardio Workouts For People With Bad Knees

Health & Medical Blog

If you're someone who suffers from knee pain, then you understand how difficult it can be to get in a good cardio workout. Running or jogging is out of the question because the repeated pounding sends shockwaves up to your knee. This might seem discouraging because jogging is often mentioned when discussing cardiovascular health. However, there are plenty of other exercises that will provide excellent cardiovascular benefits without stressing out your knee.

10 February 2016

How To Pick A Hearing Aid For Your Child

Health & Medical Blog

If you are interested in getting a hearing aid for your child, then you are likely pretty concerned about the proces. After all, you need to make sure that you balance an effective hearing aid with cost and comfort. There are several different types of hearing aids offered by companies like Suburban Hearing Services, each of which offer different benefits. To help you figure out which option is best for you, here are some questions that you will need to ask yourself:

10 February 2016

Can Medical Marijuana Help Curb Epileptic Seizures?

Health & Medical Blog

Epilepsy is a condition where the electrical activity in the brain becomes disrupted, causing a seizure. Patients are diagnosed with epilepsy if they have more than two unprovoked seizures that are at least 24 hours apart. More than 2 million people in the U.S. have epilepsy, but not all of them can benefit from the current medications on the market that help reduce seizures. The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics is testing therapies that might work for refractory epilepsy, which impacts 30 percent of epileptics and simply means that medications don't work; it's sometimes called drug-resistant epilepsy.

10 February 2016

Benefits Of Reconditioned Stair Lift Chairs

Health & Medical Blog

Going up and down stairs is something many people take for granted. But for people who are chronically ill, have limited mobility, vision or balance problems, or another disability, stairs can be a huge problem. While a stair chair lifts offers the advantages of mobility, safety, and independence, it won't help if you can't afford to buy one new. In that case, you may want to consider the benefits of purchasing a reconditioned stair lift chair.

25 January 2016

Tips For After You Have Discovered Your Home Has Asbestos

Health & Medical Blog

The discovery that your home contains asbestos can be a troubling revelation for you to make. Outside of knowing that asbestos is harmful, you may not know much about this substance or how you should proceed. This can lead to you making mistakes that can increase the chances that complications arise from this discovery. Fortunately, you can use these two tips to help ensure that the removal process goes as smoothly as possible for you.

7 January 2016